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Cookie Diet Shed Pounds with Cookie Diet

Developed by Sanford Siegal, obesity physician in Miami, Cookie Diet program is prevalent among people from more than thirty years. Apart from fetching more than half a million people in perfect body shapes, the exquisite diet program also helped them in securing hale body. There are myriad people who call cookie diet a fad diet which actually is a baseless claim. Fad diets can be used by people for one year, two years, or five years. However, no fad diet can sustain to be so popular for more than thirty consistent years.

What is Cookie Diet?

Cookie diet program nurtures the idea that appetite and cravings are the main reasons responsible for your weight gain. No matter, how awesome or incredible the diet program is, when you feel hungry, you feel tempted to consume whatever comes in front of you. Cookies have specifically been chosen in the program because they come in different flavors and right from kids to adults almost everyone like them. Moreover, it’s easy to carry them. You simply can carry them along-with you to office and eat them whenever you feel hungry. Without getting off from your seat, you can eat them while working on your laptop or while talking to your colleagues. After witnessing the success of cookies, Dr. Siegal has now introduced special hunger controlling shakes and soups also in the program.

What’s so Special About Cookies?

Cookies in cookie diet program are made up of proteins, fiber, and other beneficial ingredients which will keep check on your appetite. Without having you consume harmful drugs and other medicines, special ingredients of cookies will beat your hunger and cravings. Fiber and amino acids used in the cookies are able to keep you fuller for longer duration. Should you want to shed pounds from your body by consuming biscuits, you can do that with the help of amazing eating pattern crafted by the program. Cookies made by Dr. Siegal come in wide array of flavors such as banana, chocolate, blueberry, butterscotch, coconut, cinnamon oatmeal, maple syrup etc. Best part of cookies is you can conveniently store them at any place, for they don’t require refrigeration.

How to Follow Cookie Diet?

You shall keep you full all the while by consuming cookies as and when you feel hungry. Cookie diet schedule has divided meal plan into nine small meals in a day. You need to swap your breakfast, lunch and other snacks with cookies and have one proper meal in dinner. You can opt to have steamed veggies, lean protein, frozen vegetables etc. in your dinner and make sure that you consume minimum 300 calories in it. Your total calorie consumption in a day should not be more than 800 to 1000 calories in a day. Carbonated drinks, alcohol, sweets, fruits, dairy products etc. are completely cut from the diet schedule. However, you can have one cup of tea, coffee, and plenty of plain water in a day.

Logic of Cookie Diet

Dr. Siegal contends, there can be nothing worse than being overweight because an overweight body being akin to a magnet attracts diverse terrible diseases towards it. For scorching fat and activating weight loss process in your body, you require feeding you with less number of calories than are demanded by your body. As far as deficiency of essential vitamins is concerned, Dr. Siegal has permitted the consumption of multivitamin supplements along with the diet. If you continue following healthy diet regime, you can retain your lost weight forever. Dr. Siegal asserts, people crib of being gaining weight after being done with the weight loss programs. However, the main reason responsible for their weight gain is their thoughtless and careless food intake. Should you revere your body, you certainly won’t fill it with trash. That being said, choice indeed is yours.

Cookie Diet in Long Run

Since you all have different bodies with different metabolism and body structure, cookie diet might or might not suit you. Should you aspire to swear by the plan in long run, you can do that by bringing some healthy modifications in your diet schedule. For instance, you can have two regular meals composed of fruits, green vegetables, and dairy products in day. In your breakfast and other snacks of the day, you can continue with miraculous cookies. In this way, your body will get nutrient loaded foods along-with hunger suppressing cookies. In addition to that, you are unlikely to feel tired of the program because you do have plenty of food choices in the plan. Just stay vigilant of the fact that you add only healthy and nutritious foods in your meals. Since foods have master control over your body weight, you can keep check on it by maintaining discipline in your eating habits.

Pros and Cons of Cookie Diet

Cookie diet being based on scientific theories is endorsed by nutritionist and fitness experts. Let’s have a look at the pros and cons of the plan. Pros

  • Cookie diet schedule promises its dieters to melt fifteen pounds of body weight in a month. You shall adhere to the weight loss program unless you attain your desired weight loss objective.
  • You will get relief from several diseases such as thyroid, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure etc.
  • You certainly can abide by the plan under the supervision of your medical expert.
  • You don’t have to spend hours in preparing your meal chart of the day, or preparing meals for you. Readymade cookies in the program will save ample time of yours.


  • The diet program has not included fruits, vegetables, dairy products, and other beneficial foods which provide essential nutrients required for adequate nourishment of your body.
  • You can stick to the diet schedule for specific or short period of time just to lose weight. However, in long run, you are likely to be inviting more ailments or health issues for your body.
  • The diet program has overlooked the importance of exercises, which is not healthy. Exercises being enhancing the number of lean muscles in your body make it more resilient and toned.
  • Monotonous eating item might badly bore you and you are more likely to switch to your old eating habits.
