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Eliza Pryor who will be to guest starring on 'Raven's Home'

It’s not every day you hear about someone getting noticed for their acting chops via an app but it happens! This is true for actress Eliza Pryor who is actually guest starring in tonight’s brand new episode of Raven’s Home. Technology, right? Pryor was able to meet her very own agent after just putting up just one audition video. Fast forward to today and now she’s on one of the hottest shows on Disney! We got to chat with the budding actress to chat about her experience with Scenebot, her role on Raven’s Home, and what she hopes for her future!

CelebMix: First off, to get to know you a bit better, why did you choose to pursue a career in acting?
Eliza Pryor: Well, I started off in the industry singing and performing when I was seven. I trained and performed with a lot of other really talented kids. There was a Dallas talent agent who came to a couple of our shows. She sent my parents an e-mail and asked to meet with us. I didn’t know a lot about acting then, but she told me to go to some acting classes to see if I like it as much as singing and dancing. I went to some beginner classes and really loved it!

CelebMix: Have you had time to adjust to life in Los Angeles? How’s it been so far?
Eliza Pryor: I first went out to LA in January 2017 and I was really excited because I had never really been to LA before. It took some time to adjust at first because we didn’t know where to go or what to do. I was also getting used to being homeschooled. Now, I have met some great friends in LA and like to go to acting and dance classes with them. I love being able to go to the beach, eat at great sushi restaurants, and I have found the best ice cream places. At first, I was going back and forth to Texas a lot, but now I spend most of my time in LA. I don’t know if I will ever get used to the traffic but the weather is the BEST!

CelebMix: I read that you used an app to help score your dream career. Can you tell us a little bit about how that came about? How did you hear about the app in the first place?
Eliza Pryor: I signed up for a casting director workshop that was in my hometown in Texas. At the end of the workshop, I grabbed a flyer advertising the app for Scenebot on it. I went home and downloaded it on my Mom’s phone. I pulled up a scene that I really liked and I recorded myself acting and uploaded it to Scenebot. You can record it and re-record it until you have a video you really like. It was so fun and easy!   

CelebMix: For those of us who have not heard or used the app just yet, can you explain a little bit about what the process is like when submitting your audition video up onto the app?
Eliza Pryor: The app is really easy to use and is great practice for when you are asked to audition for a role like Isabella in Raven’s Home!

It is easy to pick a scene and a character that you like and record yourself acting through the app. They also have a feature called “Act Back Track” where they have some celebrities and other really good actors who have recorded themselves reading the other part. Every month, there is a competition and they go through and pick videos they really like and feature them as Honorable Mentions. From there, they pick their Top Selects. Next, anybody can go on the app to the Top Selects and vote for the actor who they think did really well. Then, they add up all of the votes and announce the Top Ten.

I was so happy and surprised when I found out my video had become popular and was in the first round of Top Selects. After the Scenebot community voted, I was voted the top scene in the Top Ten. I freaked out! The cool thing is that casting directors, agents, and managers get to see your video and that’s how my manager, Kathy Bridges, found me. It is also cool that you meet other actors who use it and everyone is so supportive and nice to each other.

CelebMix: This has helped you land a role in this week’s episode of Raven’s Home! What was that process like to land a role on the show?
Eliza Pryor: My agent and manager submitted my resume and headshot to casting and I was asked to video myself reading as Isabella. I went to an acting coach and she recorded it in her studio. We submitted it to casting and I was SO excited when I heard that I had been cast! It may seem like it was really easy but I train a lot and take many acting classes. I’m also a singer and try to perform whenever I can. I think it is important to audition as much as you can and practice auditioning through apps like Scenebot because you may not be a fit for every role but it is always good for casting to see you because you may be a fit for something else!

CelebMix: What can you tell us about your guest starring role?
Eliza Pryor: The character I play is Isabella and I love playing her! She is in a wheelchair but that doesn’t define her. She is fun, spunky, and caring. You will learn more about her when it airs and I think you will love her character as much as I do!

CelebMix: After this episode, what can we find you doing in the future?
Eliza Pryor: I hope to do more TV shows and feature films in the future. Of course, I would love for Disney to bring back Isabella to Raven’s Home! There are a couple of other projects that I can’t talk about yet, but stay tuned!

CelebMix: What is a dream role you’d like to do in the future? (Big or small!)
Eliza Pryor: I would LOVE to be on a show like Stranger Things and play a character that has superpowers like Eleven. But I would also love to be in a show where I get to ride horses because I love horses and have been riding since I was little. Also, to be able to be in a musical that was a movie like The Greatest Showman would also be very cool. My ultimate goal is to be chosen as a lead in a movie or a TV show and have a chance to play a smart, cool character.
