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Greys Anatomy Recap 2/18/15: Season 12 Episode 10 All I Want Is You

Grey’s Anatomy Recap 2/18/15: Season 12 Episode 10 "All I Want Is You"

Tonight on ABC Grey’s Anatomy returns with a great all new Thursday February 18, season 12 episode 10 titled “All I Want Is You,” and we have recap below. On tonight’s episode, the staff tend to Meredith and her trauma. Meanwhile, Callie (Sara Ramirez) and Maggie (Kelly McCreary) perform an experimental surgery on Alex’s (Justin Chambers) teenage patient, despite Alex’s objections.

On the last episode, Meredith was brutally attacked by a patient, and Penny was the one who discovered her. The doctors of Grey Sloan Memorial rushed to stabilize Meredith and remained by her side in the harrowing aftermath. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it, we have a full and detailed recap right here for you.

On tonight’s episode as per the ABC synopsis, “the staff tend to Meredith and her trauma. Meanwhile, Callie and Maggie perform an experimental surgery on Alex’s teenage patient, despite Alex’s objections; Owen continues to clash with Nathan; and things progress with Maggie and Andrew’s relationship.”

This episode looks like it is going to be a great episode and you won’t want to miss it, so be sure to tune in for our live coverage of ABC’s “Grey’s Anatomy” Season 12 Episode 10 at 8 PM EST! In the meantime, check out our sneak peek of tonight’s episode below.

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

Apparently Meredith has to go through some therapy before she’s allowed back on rotation, but if her daughter was expecting her to cry or break down during their first session then he was in for a rude awakening when he met Meredith on tonight’s episode of “Grey’s Anatomy”.

The mother of three was resilient to say to the least. She walked into his office with a smile on and later she even shocked the doctor when she said that compared to everything else her attack had been more like a blimp on the radar. So naturally her doctors who was just trying to do his job had asked her why she had felt that way. And that’s when she told him.

As in Meredith told him everything. She started with her mother who suffered from Alzheimer’s before passing away, then there had been her complicated relationship with pretty much everyone, and she was probably telling him about another one of her close to death experiences when the hospital ended up getting rocked by a different kind of explosion.

Owen, April, and new guy Riggs had all been down by the loading bay when a man was wheeled in after experiencing some tightness in his chest. And before the guys could make it back into the hospital, ambulance caught fire and exploded.

Later, one EMT confessed and had also appeared to believe that the accident had been his fault because his boss has been telling him for weeks now that he needed to secure the oxygen tanks more closely. And he wasn’t sure if he had. Though that hadn’t been April’s chief concern because she had gotten a little preoccupied with Owen and Riggs’ ongoing fight.

Owen it seems didn’t want to work his former brother-in-law so he kept on finding ways to dismiss the other man from the room. However, Owen didn’t have a run of the hospital and Bailey felt like he was being unprofessional. So Bailey tried to find ways to push the men together and unfortunately that led to April putting her foot down.

April said that they had fought several times in front of one patient already and that she didn’t want to march into surgery with the both of them when she knows that they were just doing it again. Only that time over open patient. Therefore, Bailey was forced to agree with April and she finally let up on trying to make the guys work together.

At least at the time!

Although, that wasn’t the only dust-up at the hospital because Alex had also lost his cool at one point. Alex, you see, had gotten a new case when a patient had done her research on him and had asked him to be her doctors because she was looking for a miracle. And so this teenage that Alex was going to give her this miracle cure that would just fix her in one fell swoop.

And she ended up being disappointed when Alex had come up a method that could give her longer life but would hinder her for the next few years. So Maya decided to fire Alex and his resident right there at the spot and she took her case to Callie and Maggie. Who, together, had come up with a way that would give her new ribs but wouldn’t mean that she would have to stay in the hospital for years to come.

But Alex hadn’t liked their idea. He felt it was taking too much of risk with a young kid and the surgery had only been done once. So Alex had tried to get Maya’s mother to change her mind and maybe she would have listened to him if she was on her own yet Maya had been there with her mother. And she’s been one calling the shots since she was first diagnosed with a sometimes recurring disease.

Thus, Alex ultimately had to let it go and accept the fact Maya had fired him though he had later made sure to be there for her on the day she was wheeled into surgery.

Alex too knows what it’s like to be the child, but also the one that has to take of mom and things like the bills. So he offered Maya his hand to hold because he knew that she needed to lean on someone who could make her feel safe. And while she was going through her experimental surgery, Alex kept his promise to the teenager by being there for her mother who apparently would have fell apart if anything ever happened to Maya.

Yet Meredith’s therapy sessions were not going well. The therapist had tried to get Meredith open up about her emotions following her attack and she just kept finding ways to stall him. Like talking about her friend’s problems for instance, rather than her own.

Meredith mentioned Alex’s problems with Jo and had even mentioned Penny’s problems with Callie. And she would have continued on in this vein if the therapist hadn’t asked her the question that her smart self didn’t know the answer to. He asked her “who are you”?

Which was only fair seeing as she had said it herself that she was not married anymore and that she wasn’t a widow anymore. So he wanted to know how she was going to identify herself in the future. And her answer had been “I don’t know”.

So Meredith had actually felt worse off after seeing the doctor that she had been when she first went to meet him. But he had felt comfortable enough to sign off on her paperwork. That would allow her to return to shifts and begin treating patients again.

Though now Meredith doesn’t know what she wants and neither for that matter does Owen. Owen had later spoken with Amelia about Riggs and she had told him to see the good in the other man because Owen’s sister had found something to love in Riggs, but Owen didn’t want to bother becoming friends with Riggs again. And he managed to still argue with if even though they are now working together on cases.

So what does Owen want?

