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How to fix and possible reasons revealed

Elden Ring offers co-op and PvP experiences (Image via FromSoftware)

Many fans consider Elden Ring to be the biggest release of 2022, with FromSoftware's latest venture getting massive success. Fans and critics have equally loved it, and there are many great things being said about the game.

While the core retains the typically tricky parts from soulslike games, there's also the PvP aspect. Players can either play together in co-op or challenge each other directly for different rewards. While gamers can enjoy all of this on the next-generation hardware of PlayStation, network errors can always cause some trouble.

Whenever a game has an online part, it's mostly expected that there will be network issues. While some of these issues stem from the players' end, there are issues on the developers' side at other times. Although, knowing the causes can help players solve problems and get on with their gaming sessions.

There are several causes and solutions to network errors on Elden Ring for the PlayStation 5

Elden Ring has been one of the best-selling games on the PlayStation 5. That being said, being unable to play the multiplayer aspect of the title can result in sub-optimal experiences. The solutions to certain causes are straightforward. In the case of others, it could be too difficult for the players to resolve or may not be in their control.

Checking the internet condition

There are certain times when a player's internet connection might not be working correctly. Such occurrences can cause frequent disconnections in the online mode and must be rectified in order to resolve the issue. If the problem is on the ISP side, there are very few things players can do.

One step to troubleshoot any issues on the player's end is to reset the router. However, players are advised to take the proper steps to get the router back up before resetting it.

Another essential thing to note is to ensure that there are no portability issues. Strict NATs can also restrict the online experience in video games, but thankfully, they can be rectified to a moderate or open type. A wired connection can also help if there is an issue with the bandwidth.

Elden Ring multiplayer error

This comes primarily due to the improper network settings of the game. If someone doesn't know, the game has its own network settings that can be changed in-game. It can be accessed from the "system" option in the in-game menu.

From the system option, players must go to the Network tab containing three settings.

  • Set the cross-region play to "Perform Matchmaking."
  • Set the launch setting to "Play Online."

After making these changes and accepting a data agreement, the multiplayer error can be removed.

Ensure that there's no password

Elden Ring players can set passwords for their online sessions, which allows them to maintain privacy. However, this could also result in an unintended session failure if players want to play with others.

The process to rectify it is relatively simple, as all a player has to do is keep the password blank. A blank password opens the game session, allowing players to play together.

Ensure that the servers are online

Like every video game, Elden Ring undergoes routine maintenance, and the game is sometimes taken down. Attempting to play online at such moments will result in failures, and there's not much that players can do in such situations.

One thing that players should do is check the game's server status. Usually, the developers inform any such news on their official Twitter handle. Checking them when the multiplayer is down can help the player become aware of whether the problem is from their end or not.

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