Minecraft star Clay "Dream" has been the first name on the news pages over the past month or so. Firstly, because he revealed his identity after years of concealing it, and secondly, for being involved in a controversy.
For those unaware, Dream was accused of "grooming and pedophilia," following leaked screenshots of text messages between him and Anastasia, a former fan.
In the leaked screenshots, the messages appear to be suggestive, although it should be noted that there was no explicit content found in them. The victim, Anastasia, claimed to be 17 at the time of the conversation, which would make Dream 20 (the text messages were from 2020).
The allegation was followed up by the YouTuber sharing a Twitlonger post that detailed his account of the situation. He denied any such claims and iterated that, to his knowledge, Anastasia was 18. He also hinted that he would be taking legal aid to deal with the situation.
Will Dream seek legal representation?
After a series of accusations, the YouTuber shared a Twitlonger post elaborating on his narrative. In the post, he said:
"In these screenshots, them being 18 years old is mentioned in their bio, and I also very clearly asked them for their age. I did not act inappropriately with this person, and any attempt to equate these messages to grooming is not only disgusting but is insulting to victims who actually experienced grooming and still have trauma as a result."He also added:
"Once again, she was 18 years old, says she was 18 years old, and even had a boyfriend while she was friendly with me. This being warped into me being a groomer and the fact that she is and was 18 is scary and sad, and a huge reason as to why it is so hard to interact one on one with anybody online as a creator, especially people from within your communities."In the concluding section of the post, he hinted at taking recourse to legal representation. He exclaimed:
"This has all become so much more real and scary now that my face is out there for people to see, and I needed to address this all. I will also based on your advice pursue legal action towards people using my name to spread disinformation or those that are misrepresenting facts, lying, faking things, or falsely abusing my name and image."The Florida-resident hinted at a possible step towards taking legal action. Since his detailed post, Dream has not given any further updates regarding the "grooming" allegations. Nor has there been any indication of any legal team being involved in the matter at the time of writing.
Read the entire Twitlonger post here.
What happened between Dream and Anastasia?
The chat exchanges were shared by a burner account (@burner39413705) on October 14. In a series of tweets, the account revealed exchanges between the Minecraft YouTuber and the then 17-year-old Anastasia.
In one of the screenshots of a few iMessage chats, Dream appears to be inviting the fan to his "bedroom" and "kitchen." However, in the Twitlonger post, the 23-year-old YouTuber revealed that iMessages were doctored.
He, however, acknowledged that some of the screenshots were authentic. The alleged victim also shared a few tweets from her account (now private). In them, she claimed that Dream had tried to "groom" her. She also highlighted the fact that there was a gaping power dynamic between them.
To read the entire story in detail, click here.
Were there any other accusations?
A Twitter user named Aman-Duh also took to their TikTok (now removed) to release a statement accusing Dream of "grooming." The video was then re-shared on Twitter. Through the statement, the user revealed that he had made suggestive remarks towards them. According to Aman-Duh:
"He sent me a picture of his p*nis and he sent me a picture of him nu**ing to me."They also revealed:
"I informed him that I was coming to Orlando in August and it was suggested that we meet up and have s*x."YouTube has remained silent over the matter. For those wondering, the Minecraft YouTuber's channel is very much up and running. He recently shared a fundraising livestream in honor of the late Technoblade.
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