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Is Lady Danbury Based On A Real Person? Bridgerton True Story Explained.

No, Lady Danbury from the Bridgerton series is not based on a real person. England is said to have had relations with Sierra Leone but it was a bad one.

The history and all the stories about Lady Danbury and her later husband shown in the Netflix series Bridgeton are fictional.

The characters of the Danbury family had been made by the book’s author and in no way inspired by any true event.

Bridgeton is an American movie created by Netflix based on the book series created by author Julia Quinn.

The Bridgerton story revolves around an aristocratic family of Bridgerton. The time period revolves around the time of Regency-era London’s ton.

The show first premiered on December 25, 2020. The second season was released last year and the third and fourth seasons of the show are in the works.

A series spin-off called Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story has also been made. The show premiered on May 4, 2023. The show mainly focuses on the story of Queen Charlotte.

Table of Contents

Is Lady Danbury Based On A Real Person?

No, Lady Danbury is not based on a real person. The story of Lady Danbury is purely a fictional one.

Lady Danbury is a fictional character that has been imagined by the real author of the book series, Julia Quinn. As the series tells us in the beginning, the series is not a history lesson.

So, everything shown in the series should not be taken seriously. While there are some characters that in fact have a history of existence, other storylines as well as characters do not.

Characters such as King George III and Queen Charlotte are based on true people but the storyline differs much from the original material.

The pair were also very much in love with each other. The couple were also said to have slept in the same bed, which at that time was not a normal thing.

During their time together, the pair also had 15 children. Only later, when King George III began to suffer from mental issues, the pair began to sleep in their respective rooms.

Also, the place of her origin Sierra Leone is a real country in the African continent.

Is Lord Danbury A Real Person?

Lord Danbury was also not a real person, However, the character is based on a rich man from Africa.

According to Vulture, Lord Danbury is from the country of Sierra Leone. He was such a rich man that even some of the higher nobility of London were not rich as him.

He never cared about how he spent his gold and silver coins. Due to that, he was a misogynist individual who never cared about his women or his wife.

Lord Danbury even had a contract of marriage with Lady Danbury’s parents. At that time, Lady Danbury was just a three-year-old girl who didn’t even understand or know the concept of marriage.

Then she was raised only to be his wife, to serve him and fulfill the physical and misogynist desire of Lord Danbury wherever he wanted and as per his need.

Lord Danbury was twice the age of his wife and used her solely to produce the babies for his legacy to continue and for his sport, not knowing that his wife was much sharper than him.

She was the mastermind behind all of his’s social triumphs, but he had no idea. When he passed away, Lady Danbury was unprotected and insecure but was finally free for the first time.

Lady Danbury and Lord Ledger Affair

Lady Danbury and Lord Ledger had a romantic tension between them. Later the pair discontinued their secret relationship to avoid the scandal.

After Lord Danbury passed away, she was subjected to racism from different sections of society including the Queen’s attendants. But unlike most people, Lord Ledger was her friend.

Even before Lord Danbury’s sudden passing, the pair had started to become close. Not in a romantic way but there was a certain level of friendship.

The pair only got close and became romantically involved after Lord Danbury passed away suddenly.

The pair got close when Lady Danbury was sitting outside his cabin in his state. He called her in for conversation, and their conversation went very lovely. So, they decided to continue their meeting.

After developing romantic feelings for each other, they started to feel romantically about each other. But Lord Ledger came to his senses and put himself in control as a married man.

Things had begun to be a bit awkward between them as they had no idea how to move forward with it. But during Lady Danbury’s birthday celebration, the pair finally did the act.

But they couldn’t continue their relationship. Understanding that Lord Ledger brings his daughter to their meeting making things clear between them.

Due to the fear of scandal within the household, Lady Danbury also discontinues their relationship and lets their relationship go as her lost love.

Bridgerton: Truth vs Fiction

The Bridgerton series is made with the mold of both the truth and fiction mixed in.

Such as the marriage of King George III and Queen Charlotte is a reality-based fact that happened in history. But the situation of Lord and Lady Danbury is fictional.

1. Queen Charlotte’s Skin Tone

  • Truth: The color of Queen Charlotte has never been confirmed, as there is still a lot of debate about it.
  • Fiction: Queen Charlotte is shown to have brown skin and is of Moor Blood.

2. The Great Experiment

  • Truth: There were never any colored people in the court or aristocratic figures and no Great Experiment was started.
  • Fiction: With the arrival of Queen Charlotte, African people were brought into the court to kick start the Great Experiment.

3. Bloodline and Descendant

  • Truth: Aristocrats not wanting to have a descendant were seen as absurd people, and rarely did anyone forgo their bloodline dying out.
  • Fiction: Aristocrats stating that they do not want to have kids of their own and rather have their bloodline die out.

4. Bridgerton Family

  • Truth: Bridgerton Family is similar to Lord and Lady Danbury, who are created from the imagination of the writer.
  • Fiction: Bridgerton Family was shown to be a family existing during the Regency era.

5. Corgi: Fox or Dog?

  • Truth: Corgi was not a common household pet, and the “Corgi” term was used to describe a breed of fox.
  • Fiction: The corgi was shown as the dog breed kept by aristocratic people during the Regency era.
