published on in gacor

Jaden Smith claims Four Seasons spiked his pancakes, kicked him out


I used that ^^ picture because as you read this story, please remember is revolves around a person who accessorized his Met Gala outfit with his own severed ponytail. With that in mind, The Four Seasons Toronto tried to kill Jaden Smith. At least, according to Jaden they did. Also according to Jaden, they threw him out first and then tried to kill him. By spiking his pancake. With cheese. Those bastards.

Jaden was in Toronto filming the movie Life In A Year with Cara Delevingne. Up until Saturday, he was staying at the lush hotel with no issue. But then everything went wrong and Jaden felt compelled to voice all his grievances. Jaden fired off a series of accusations on Twitter about the hotel.

He led with his torture:

The Four Seasons In Toronto Just Made Me Want to Throw Up On MySelf.

— Jaden Smith (@officialjaden) May 27, 2017

Then… actually, I don’t really know why this was necessary:

I Hope The Four Seasons In Toronto Puts Me On The No Stay List.

— Jaden Smith (@officialjaden) May 27, 2017

And that’s when they tried to kill him:

The Four Seasons In Toronto Spiked My Pancakes With Cheese, I'm Surprised I'm Still Alive.

— Jaden Smith (@officialjaden) May 27, 2017

And then there’s the backstory (dun-dun-DUN!):

After They Kicked Me Out Of My Room

— Jaden Smith (@officialjaden) May 27, 2017

In his defense, 140 characters does not always let one give the full story so some parts must be left out. In Jaden’s case, he chose to leave out the “truth” parts.

So, let’s walk through the series of events with some more context. Jaden’s objection to the appearance of cheese in his pancakes is because he’s a vegan so yes, this would cause him distress and I am sorry if he got sick from it, just as I am sure the hotel was. However, the spiked claim is going to be hard to prove considering the dish is listed on the menu – and the entire chain is famous for – “Lemon Ricotta Hotcakes.” Whereas you can hold a hotel accountable for many things, reading comprehension is not one of them. As for being thrown out of his room – again, Jaden took liberties with the truth there. He’d been at the hotel for a few days already when he decided he wanted to extend his stay but in a bigger suite. The hotel was sold out due to multiple events happening in town this week and all they had available was a suite similar to the one he already had. So, when his request for an additional room could not be met, he stormed into the restaurant and ordered the wrong thing. WHY MUST THE WORLD VEX JADEN SMITH SO?!?

As of this writing, the tweets still exist. He has not deleted them nor apologized for any misunderstanding. As for his tweet about hoping that he is on the no stay list? Dude, don’t stay there. It’s not their responsibility to ban you just like it wasn’t their responsibility to kick out another guest for you or walk you through every item on the menu.

I keep wanting Jaden to have a terrific sense of humor and hope he’s just being ironic but he consistently proves me wrong.




Photo credit: WENN Photos and Twitter
