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Justin Bieber Pleads With People To Stop Reading Into Things After He Watches Selena Gomez Vid

It looks like Justin Bieber is sick and tired of fans always reading too much into things and not getting over the fact that he and Selena Gomez are no longer together. The singer is now married to model Hailey Baldwin and so, the romance theories with his ex are starting to be too much for him.

Justin begged his followers to stop after the situation escalated because he was caught watching her Taki Taki music video.

He explained why he had that tab open but had quite a bit more to say to his fans as well.

‘Please stop reading into things so much and making something out of nothing. The point of the video was supposed to be funny that they were saying I walked out on Hailey and they spelled my name wrong this idea that I secretly plot on opening my history thing purposefully and zoom out just enough so you can see her name is crazy,’ he wrote.

Justin reminded people that ‘These are real lives you guys are talking about real emotions stop acting like you know anything about anything.. go to school read your books and focus on your own personal life.’

As for the vid he was talking about, it was his and Hailey’s comical take on fake media headlines and had nothing to do with Selena.

The Daily Telegraph reported Hailey was expecting but since they misspelled his last name, Justin slammed them in the clip, saying: ‘How are you gonna spell my name wrong after all these years ?? Haha.’

The model also mocked the headline, saying in the background: ‘How dare you walk out on me and my very pregnant belly…not.’


As for why the eagle-eyed fans saw Selena’s video in another tab, Justin simply explained that it was the next related clip that just showed up after he and Hailey had watched his Coachella performance.
