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Kelsey Wells: 10 Things You Didnt Know

Kelsey Wells

If you are into fitness, chances are that you have heard of Kelsey Wells. She is a fitness blogger and she also has a huge presence on Instagram. She is known for being a no-nonsense fitness guru. Unlike many fitness bloggers and fitness, she hasn’t made diet and exercise her entire life, she just incorporated it into her life. She started on the Bikini Body Guide (BBG) and was so successful that she became an internet and Instagram sensation. If you want to know more about Kelsey, read on.

Kelsey is a Mom

It was Kelsey’s pregnancy that started her on her Bikini Body Guide journey that has taken her to where she is today. According to Kelsey, she had always been active, but when she got pregnant, it got harder and harder to stick to her regular routine. As a result, she gained over 55 pounds during her pregnancy and she didn’t lose much after the baby was born. She says that seeing her reflection in the mirror is what made he take to the internet to find the quickest and easiest diet plan possible.

She Took the Bikini Body Guide to a Whole New Level

The Bikini Body Guide which was created by personal trainer, Kayla Itsines. It is designed to be a 12-week program, where if you stick to the plan, you will start seeing results quickly. When Kelsey started the program, she expected to follow the diet plan for just 12 weeks and that would be the end of it. She said that she never expected have been following the program for over 60 weeks.

Kelsey Failed the First Time She Tried the Program

After giving birth to her baby and struggling to lose the excess weight, Kelsey found the Bikini Body Guide while search online. Since it had such great reviews and it was created by a personal trainer, she decided to give it a try. She started the program two months after giving birth. She ended up quitting two days later. She says that she could not get through the circuits and she had to modify the exercises because they were just too hard for her. She says that she started and stopped a few times, but eventually she decided to stick with it. According to Kelsey, it was the best decision that she has ever made.

Kelsey Holds Events Open to the Public

Kelsey is very proud of her success when it came to her body and mind transformation that she wants to help other women who have the same goals. She holds events in her area, where women can meet Kelsey and workout with her. She believes that it is a good chance to teach people what she has learned and get in a good workout in the process.

Kelsey’s Blog

According to Kelsey, she first started blogging for herself, to track her own progress. When she started becoming successful, she decided to use her blog to be an inspiration to other women who were trying to lose excess weight the same way that she did once. Today, her blog is very successful and it is read by thousands of people.

Kelsey is an Instagram Sensation

Since Kelsey started on the Bikini Body Guide diet and fitness plan, she has gotten a great deal of attention on Instagram. Some of the people are following her just because she is a beautiful woman with a nice body. Most people, however, follow her on Instagram because she is an inspiration. Her weight loss journey is a true story. She lets people see what she looked like before she started the program and then after. She believes that it shows people that if she can do it, anyone can. Currently, she has over 616k followers. That is quite a bit for a woman who was overweight and unhappy just 60 weeks ago.

She is More Than a Fitness Sensation

Most people know Kelsey’s name due to her success with the Bikini Body Guide, her blog, and her Instagram fame. What many people don’t know is that fitness is not her whole life. As mentioned above, Kelsey is a mother. She has a son named Anderson. She is also a wife. Kelsey lives in Houston, Texas where she works as an interior designer. While she has made changes to her life when she decided to dedicate herself to the Bikini Body Guide, she did not make it her entire life.

Kelsey Doesn’t Believe in Scales

Kelsey tells her Instagram followers and those who read her blog that they should not live by what their scales tell them. She says that by focusing on the scale, they are not getting a true read of their weight loss results. She posted photos of herself and then another photo when she weighed 18 pounds more and she looks better when she weighed more due to the fact that she had muscle tone. Since muscle weighs more than fat, Kelsey stopped weighing herself. Eventually, she threw away all of her scales and starting using tape measures and photos to track her progress.

She is a Mormon

According to the Facebook page that Kelsey shares with her husband Ryan, they are members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. According to their Facebook, it is their favorite book and they are part of the Facebook group.

Kelsey Says She is Only Human

Kelsey has been in the news lately for posting photos of herself with a bloated belly. According to Kelsey, she gets questions from people all the time asking how she never gets bloated and how she ever gets zits. She says she posted these photos to show people that she is just like every woman in the world who overindulges from time to time and gets bloated. She says that she wasn’t people to understand that these are problems that all women face.

Kelsey Wells is in inspiration to women everywhere who are struggling to lose weight and get healthy. She takes photos of herself and blogs about her progress to let other women know that they can do it too.

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