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Michelle Williams in black & white Givenchy: adorable or dated?

These are photos of Michelle Williams and Colin Farrell at last night’s US-Ireland Alliance Oscar Wilde Pre-Academy Awards in LA. Michelle wore Givenchy, a silhouette and style we’ve seen on her a million times before. So although it’s nothing new, I do kind of like it on her. I mean, I’m exhausted with the high-collared Rosemary’s Baby look, but if you’re hellbent on doing it, this dress is pretty cute. Plus, it’s shorter than her usual dresses, and I don’t think I’ve ever noticed how nice her legs are. She has a better figure than most people realize – does she get credit for not throwing her boobs in our faces on every red carpet?

But really, don’t you wish and hope that Colin Farrell made his way over to Michelle and they had a little moment? Michelle is fully ensconced in her second virginity right now – whether it’s part of her Oscar campaign or simply a phase she’s going through, I don’t know. But she acts like she’s much, much too fragile to even handle being touched by a boy. Is that Colin’s type? Or is his type still “two legs and a pulse”?

I have to say – I’m not into Colin in these photos. He’s showered, he’s groomed, he’s got a haircut like Mark Harmon on NCIS. His suit fits. He looks pleasant. Not sexy! I need an unbuttoned shirt, some scruff and some necklaces to find him hot. And I’ve never been that girl – the girl who goes for the scruffy poet. But that’s the one way I really find him hot these days. Still, I am hoping that he and Michelle had a moment at this event. I’d really like for them to have some kind of torrid, dirty, Oscar-weekend hookup. Right?

Photos courtesy of WENN.
